[1]  M. Shi, Z. Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. Ma, H. Li, E.W.M. Lee*, The study of self-organised behaviours and movement pattern of pedestrians during fire evacuations: virtual experiments and survey, Safety Science, 170, 106373, 2024. link
[2]  Y. Ma, Z. Zhang, W. Zhang, E.W.M. Lee, M. Shi*, Development of a time pressure-based model for the simulation of an evacuation in a fire emergency, Journal of Building Engineering, 87, 19069, 2024. link
[3]  T. Wang, Z. Zhang, T. Nong, J. Tan, W. Lan*, W. Zhang, E.W.M. Lee, M. Shi*, Modelling the unidirectional and bidirectional flow of pedestrians based on convolutional neural networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 651, 130021, 2024. link
[4]  W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Y. Ma, E.W.M. Lee, M. Shi*, Psychological impatience in pedestrian evacuation: modelling, simulations and experiments, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 635, 129472, 2024. link
[5]  Z. Zhang, H. Li, E.W.M. Lee, Y. Ma, W. Zhang, M. Shi*, Application of Minecraft in the study of evacuation dynamics under fire emergency conditions, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 624, 128935, 2023. link
[6]  Z. Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. Ma, E.W.M. Lee, M. Shi*, Experimental Study on Pedestrian Behaviors during Fire Emergency Conditions with Minecraft: Case Studies in a Classroom, Fire, 6 (11), 422, 2023. link
[7]  M. Shi*, H. Li, Z. Zhang, E.W.M. Lee, Development and Application of an Intelligent Approach to Reconstruct the Location of Fire Sources from Soot Patterns Deposited on Walls, Fire, 6(8), 303, 2023. link
[8]  Y. Ma, W. Zhang, Y. Feng, Z. Zhang, H. Li , M. Shi*, The Study on Time Pressure-based Model for the Fire Evacuation Simulations, 2023 IEEE 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 162-166, 2023.link
[9]  W. Zhang, Y. Ma, Y. Feng, Z. Zhang, H. Li, M. Shi*, A Numerical Study on Evacuation Process Considering Pedestrian Impatience, 2023 IEEE 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 222-225, 2023.link
[10]  M. Shi*, E.W.M. Lee, Y. Ma, W. Xie, R. Cao, The density-speed correlated mesoscopic model for the study of pedestrian flow, Safety Science, 133, 105019, 2021. link
[11]  M. Shi*, E.W.M. Lee, Y. Ma, R. Cao, Numerical and experimental study of route choice behaviour using an impatience-determined model, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 27, 1651–1669, 2019. link
[12]  M. Shi*, E. Wai Ming Lee, R. Cao, Y. Ma, W. Xie, The Simulation of Route Choice Behaviour with an Emotion-determined Model, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering (ICFSFPE), 1–6, 2019. link
[13]  M. Shi*, E.W.M. Lee, Y. Ma, A dynamic impatience-determined cellular automata model for evacuation dynamics, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 94, 367–378, 2019. link
M. Shi*, L. E.W.M, Y. Ma, Simulation of crowd evacuation using an emotion-based cellular automata model,  Journal of Architecture, 65~71, 2018. link
 M. Shi*, E.W.M. Lee, Y. Ma, A novel grid-based mesoscopic model for evacuation dynamics, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 497, 198–210, 2018. link
[16]  M. Shi*, E.W. Ming Lee, Y. Ma, A Newly developed Mesoscopic Model on Simulating Pedestrian Flow, Procedia Engineering, 211, 614–620, 2018. link
[17]  R. Cao, E.W.M. Lee, A.C.Y. Yuen*, Q. Chan, W. Xie, M. Shi, G.H. Yeoh, Development of an evacuation model considering the impact of stress variation on evacuees under fire emergency, Safety Science, 138, 105232, 2021. link
[18]  R. Cao, E.W.M. Lee, A.C.Y. Yuen*, T.B.Y. Chen, I.M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, M. Shi, X. Wei, G.H. Yeoh, Simulation of competitive and cooperative egress movements on the crowd emergency evacuation, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 109, 102309,2021. link
[19]  Y. Ma*, E.W.M. Lee,
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[20]  W. Xie*, E.W.M. Lee, T. Li,
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[21]  W. Xie, E.W.M. Lee, Y. Cheng, M. Shi, R. Cao, Y. Zhang*, Evacuation performance of individuals and social groups under different visibility conditions: Experiments and surveys, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, 101527, 2020. link
[22]  W. Xie*, E. Wai Ming Lee, Y. Zhang, C. Mou, W. Zhang, M. Shi, Evacuation Experiments under Different Visibility Conditions: Investigating Differences Between Individuals and Groups, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering (ICFSFPE),  1–6, 2019. link
[23]  J. Ruifeng Cao*, E. Wai Ming Lee, Anthony.C.Y. Yuen,
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[24]  Y. Ma*, E.W. Lee, Z. Hu,
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[25]  Y. Ma*, E.W.M. Lee, M. Shi, R.K.K. Yuen, Spatial memory enhances the evacuation efficiency of virtual pedestrians under poor visibility condition*, Chinese Physics B, 27, 038901, 2018. link
[26]  Y. Ma*, E.W.M. Lee, M. Shi, Dual effects of guide-based guidance on pedestrian evacuation, Physics Letters A, 381, 1837–1844, 2017. link